[1]侯烜方,黄 蓉,刘蕴琦,等.组织政治知觉对新生代员工创新行为的影响机制:情绪智力的调节效应[J].金融教育研究,2022,(03):49-61.
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Influencing Mechanism of Perceptions of Organizational Politics on Innovative Behavior of Millennial:Emotional Intelligence as A Moderator
侯烜方 黄 蓉 刘蕴琦 周彦杉
江西师范大学 商学院,江西 南昌 330022
HOU Xuanfang HUANG Rong LIU Yunqi ZHOU Yanshan
Business School,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330022,China
Perceptions of organizational politics Millennial employees' innovative behavior Psychological capital Creative process engagement Emotional intelligence
基于资源保存理论,聚焦300份新生代员工数据,系统全面探析组织政治知觉对新生代员工创新行为的内在机制。结果表明,心理资本和创新过程投入分别中介组织政治知觉对新生代员工创新行为的关系,其中,情绪智力分别调节了组织政治知觉对心理资本、创新过程投入的负向关系,此外,情绪智力还将分别调节心理资本、创新过程投入在组织政治知觉对新生代员工创新行为关系中的中介效应。~F270.7 文献标志码:A文章编号:2095-0098(2022)03-0049-13
Based on resources conversation theory and focusing on 300 new generation employee data,the internal mechanism of perceptions of organizational politics on millennial employees' innovative behavior is systematically and comprehensively analyzed.The results suggest that psychological capital and creative process engagement respectively mediate the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and millennial employees' innovative behavior,where,Emotional intelligence,moderate the negative relationship of perceptions of organizational politics to psychological capital,creative process engagement.In addition,emotional intelligence will also moderate the psychological capital,innovation process inputs in perceptions of organizational politics of the mediation effect in the new generation staff innovation behavior relationship.


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